Luke had on his best Christmas day outfit for a day full of parties. He hair was neatly coiffed and his socks matched his ensemble. As he is now rejecting any progress he was making with the potty he proceeded to jam himself behind my aunts couch to hide the fact that he was pooing. As the continued absence of Luke prompted a search party and might mean that he might actually have to sit on the potty, he deciding that jamming himself even further behind the couch might stop this from happening. What happened to his Christmas outfit was an atrocity. All the squishing and wiggling behind the couch led to a sweater full of Christmas joy. Thanks to Jared for hosing him down and changing him. Luke then spent the rest of the day in a 18 months old pajamas that hit him at the shins...just perfect for those Christmas day pictures. =) Here's a pic of the pajamas and Belle gussying up Luke for the big day.
12 years ago